The study was conducted to assess the chemical composition of alkali treated groundnut shells and their effects on growth and serum biochemical parameters in Yankasa rams. A total of 4 Yankasa rams where used to conduct the experiment in a 4×4 Latin square design. Four diets (14% crude protein) were formulated to contain untreated groundnut shell (UTGNS), urea treated groundnut shell (UGNS), lime treated groundnut shell (LGNS) and urea-lime treated groundnut shell (ULGNS). Growth and blood serum parameters were measured at the end of each period. Samples of the treated groundnut shell and the experimental diets were analysed for proximate analysis, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and lignin. The results of the chemical composition of treated groundnut shell showed that alkali chemical increased the protein, energy, and reduced the cell wall constituents of the untreated groundnut shell. Significant (P<0.05) effect were observed for daily weight gain, daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio and serum biochemical profile. Daily feed intake and daily weight gain were higher in UTGNS (183.50 g and 1110.90 g respectively); UGNS had the least feed conversion ratio (5.98). Total protein and glucose levels were above normal range of serum biochemical values for sheep while blood urea and creatinine were within normal range of values. The study revealed that dietary inclusion of treated groundnut shell did not show any negative effect on the growth performance and kidney function but indicated some signs of ailment on the activities of the liver and pancreas.
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