In this paper, concept of supersymmetric quantum mechanics has been employed to derive expression for bound state energy eigenvalues of the Tietz-Hulthén potential, the corresponding equation for normalized radial eigenfunctions were deduced by ansatz solution technique. In dealing with the centrifugal term of the effective potential of the Schrödinger equation, a Pekeris-like approximation recipe is considered. By means of the expression for bound state energy eigenvalues and radial eigenfunctions, equations for expectation values of inverse separation-squared and kinetic energy of the Tietz-Hulthén potential were obtained from the Hellmann-Feynman theorem. Numerical values of bound state energy eigenvalues and expectation values of inverse separation-squared and kinetic energy the Tietz-Hulthén potential were computed at arbitrary principal and angular momentum quantum numbers. Results obtained for computed energy eigenvalues of Tietz-Hulthén potential corresponding to Z = 0 and V0 = 0 are in excellent agreement with available literature data for Tietz and Hulthén potentials respectively. Studies have also revealed that increase in parameter Z results in monotonic increase in the mean kinetic energy of the system. The results obtained in this work may find suitable applications in areas of physics such as: atomic physics, chemical physics, nuclear physics and solid state physics
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