Despite the dependable attempts by researchers in the field of sustainable fuels, engines, and emissions, there is a research gap in the area of variations of biodiesel blend ratios with specific fuel consumption of a compression ignition engine as well as the brake thermal efficiency of engines. Therefore, this article has investigated how the blending ratio of biodiesel from jatropha, neem and cotton seeds oil mixed with petrol diesel affects the brake specific fuel consumption of a compression ignition engine and likewise the brake thermal efficiency of the binary and multi-blends of biodiesel with diesel. Three different biodiesel samples were blended with diesel; the biodiesel was achieved through an alkali transesterification reaction. The blending was done for each biodiesel with diesel alone, and that of mixed biodiesel blends with fossil diesel in a definite ratio. The blends were run on a stationary four-cylinder compression ignition engine with an exhaust analyzer to detect CO, NOx, and exhaust temperature ranges. It was recorded that, the combustion of the blends at an engine speed of 1500 rpm, between the Jatropha blend ratios 25 to 30 %, the brake specific fuel consumptions (bsfc) decrease further as against the initial trend shown at 1000 rpm. At 2000 rpm engine speed, the Neem, as well as the mixed biodiesel blends, show entirely different patterns. 25% Jatropha blend gives the best overall performance
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