Quite a number of scheduling algorithms have been implemented in the past, including First Come First Served (FCFS), Shortest Job First (SJF), Priority and Round Robin (RR). However, RR seems better than others because of its impartiality during the usage of its quantum time. Despite this, there is a big challenge with respect to the quantum time to use. This is because when the quantum time is too large, it leads to FCFS, and if the quantum time is too short, it increases the number of switches from the processes. As a result of this, this paper provides a descriptive review of various algorithms that have been implemented in the past 10 years, for various quantum time in order to optimize the performance of CPU utilization. This attempt will open more research areas for researchers, serve as a reference source and articulate various algorithms that have been used in the previous years – and as such, the paper will serve as a guide for future work. This research work further suggests novel hybridization and ensemble of two or more techniques so as to improve CPU performance by decreasing the number of context switch, turnaround time, waiting time and response time and in overall increasing the throughput and CPU utilization.
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