In this paper, we investigate steady free convective Couette flow in a vertical channel with nonlinear thermal radiation, dynamic viscosity and dynamic thermal conductivity effects. The investigation is motivated by the studies of some researchers which assumed linear thermal radiation and constant fluid properties. However, this is uncalled for; as these assumptions do not reflect true behavior of the flow. For instance; increase in temperature affects fluid viscosity, thermal conductivity thereby changing the transport phenomenon. Here; the investigation considers both the fluid viscosity and thermal conductivity to be dependent on temperature with the thermal radiation adopting nonlinear form. Due to this reasons, the associated flow equations are highly nonlinear and exhibit no analytical solution and therefore require the use of Adomian decomposition method (ADM) of solution. The attained ADM solution is then coded into computer algebra package of mathematica where results under the parameters of interest are presented and discussed. Results of the investigation show that raising the thermal radiation leads to corresponding rise in both the velocity and temperature of the fluid in the channel. Furthermore; lessening the viscosity and thermal conduction of the fluid were identified to escalate both velocity and temperature of the fluid.
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