This study designed, fabricated and evaluated a household water treatment system (HWTS) with a primary aim of improving access to potable water. Typical turbid water samples were collected from Opa River in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. The collected turbid water samples were subjected to treatment by the fabricated household water treatment system. Effects of selected operational factors on the performance of the system was evaluated and optimized using Taguchi technique. The optimum values of the factors were utilized for the full treatment of typical water samples using the system and similar system available commercially. The performance of the system was based on the ability to remove the pollutant from the turbidity water samples. Cost analysis was conducted for the fabricated household water treatment system and similar types that are commercially available. The study revealed that the performance of the system was between 98.8% and 100 % with an overall performance of 99.5 %. Time of settlement, pore Size of the filter, Concentration Coagulant and Turbidity of the Raw water had impact on the performance of HWTS. Significance of the factors were in-order of pore Size of the filter > time > Concentration Coagulant and > Turbidity of the raw water. It was concluded that the performance of the HWTS was perfect compared with the commercially available filter. The HWTS is economically effective and sustainable (0.0575 US$ per day) compared to commercially available HWTS (0.0639 – 0.1187 US$ per day). There was no significant difference between the performance (individual and overall) of fabricated...
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