The Covid-19 pandemic had a profound effect on technology in general, and serverless computing is no exception. Covid-19 pandemic has shaped the field of serverless computing, and how technology has evolved in response. Serverless computing technology have been adapted to meet the need for remote working, and how the technology has changed in terms of scalability and cost-effectiveness. This pandemic has affected virtually every aspect of daily life as significant measures are being taken to limit the spread of the virus. The pandemic has changed not only the way companies operate, but also the way they have been able to survive. Studies indicate increased requests for cloud services ranging from resident users, particularly for telecommuting, entertainment, commerce, to education, and as a result, causing traffic shifts at the core of the Internet. Covid-19 had such a significant impact on cloud services that there is an unprecedented amount of demand for cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure. This study used data from a variety of sources to analyse the impact of serverless computing during the pandemic and to justify its significance for a pandemic-affected business. It also reviewed the pre-Covid, Covid and post-Covid-19 era. Two survey reports were used in this study and the effect of Covid-19 on Serverless computing. This paper emphasizes the benefits and adoption of Serverless computing during the pandemic, in contrast to other studies that concentrated on the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on the cloud computing environment.
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