This research is carried out for the development and implementation of an end-to-end encrypted Short Message Service (SMS) App, utilizing a hybrid cipher algorithm, driven by the notable insecurity observed in SMS communications on mobile devices. SMS is a widely used communication method, and the primary goal of this study is to create a system (App) for end-to-end encrypted SMS. Loss of phones is becoming vulnerable for threats, because we store vital records in android and these records are secret such that no other third party is required to see them, such as Bank SMS, Event Notification etc. Also this information can be compromised if android phone is been lost and found by the criminals. Kidnapping activity is serious case happening in northern part of Nigeria, so if a phone is being lost and discovered how financed he is (the device holder), there is any means of bank account compromisation as that would allow the bank to give some information about the account because of the registered SIM card inserted in android devices (phones). This system is aimed to secure Bank SMS by not allowing an unauthorized person to views the banks SMS, but all other SMS can be view. Whenever the Banks SMS is received by the Android phone, the system will encrypt it and can only be viewed if using correct decryption key, a notification will be sent to the owner other phone if more than two attempt to view the message is made, using a Hybrid Cipher...
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