Soot pollution arising from artisanal crude oil is on the increase in the Niger Delta. This development is worsening the already fragile ecosystem, occasioned by many years of oil and gas exploration. The implications are adverse environmental health outcomes. This study aimed to assess the perception of the impact of soot pollution among residents near artisanal oil refineries in Tombia Community, Rivers State, Nigeria. Four hundred and twenty (420) questionnaires were administered to residents to find out the perceived impact of soot. Obtained data was analysed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentages) and inferential statistics (chi-square). Respondents were highly knowledgeable on the impact of artisanal crude oil refineries, with 79.9% affirming to that, though only 54.6% attributed the occurrence of soot in the area to artisanal crude oil refineries. The majority (67.3%) felt discomfort when in the building or shortly after using the building. The predominant health complaints by respondents were cough, sneezing, nose irritation, eye irritation and breathing difficulties. The Chi-square result revealed that the age and gender of respondents are significantly associated with the effect of soot pollution (p < 0.05). However, marital status, educational level and period of stay have no significant association with soot effect. During the period of soot pollution, the majority (65%) observed changes in plants. Soot pollution was more evident during the dry season, as reported by 95.4% of respondents. This study has shown that soot pollution adversely affects man and the environment. Artisanal crude oil refining should be fought to a...
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