The study attempt an assessment of the problems encountered during the flow of commodities from Zaria to other towns and cities in Nigeria. A questionnaire survey, oral interview, direct observation and relevant literature materials were used to generate the information required. The issues addressed were transport cost, road condition, distribution channel, and respondent’s driving and marketing experiences. The results show that actors in the inter regional movement of agricultural commodities from Zaria perceived (i) high transport cost, (ii) poor vehicle maintenance, (iii) Over-loading, (iv) Poor road condition, (v) Lack of efficient storage facilities, (vi) high cost of storage, (vii) armed robbery attacks on the highways and (viii) incessant harassment by law enforcement agents as the major problem they were experiencing. In order to minimize the severity of these problems, therefore, it would be necessary for Local, State and Federal Governments as well as private sectors to invest heavily in road improvement build more storage facilities of better quality and provide more parking spaces for vehicle. In addition, proper training of drivers and law enforcement agencies are also required
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