The bacterial qualities of two smoked fish species Pseudotolithus senegalensis (croaker) and Blue whiting, Micromesistus poutasou (panla) sold in four different fish markets in Lagos, Nigeria were examined. Standard aerobic pour plate method was used for the isolation of bacteria. For Pseudotolithus senegalensis, the highest bacterial count (5.23 Log10 cfu/g) was observed in samples purchased from Iyana Ipaja market while for Micromesistus poutasou, the highest bacterial count (5.08 Log10 cfu/g) was observed in samples purchased from Liverpool market. Bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae were isolated from samples purchased from the four markets. The presence of these organisms shows that these samples have been contaminated and could pose significant public health risks. Therefore, it is important that fish smoking should be carried out under hygienic conditions and cooking of smoked fish adequately before consumption is highly recommended so as to avoid food borne diseases
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