Amid the possible photovoltaic devices based on semiconductor oxides as active layer is a cuprous oxide (Cu2O). This oxide semiconductor displays many captivating appearances useful for photovoltaic production such as non-toxicity, low cost, high mobility and scattering length of minority carriers, direct energy gap and high absorption coefficient. In this paper, we report our study and fabrication of Cu2O thin films fabricated by partial thermal oxidation at 950 and use as one electrode while pure copper foil is used as counter electrode. The Pec device encloses in translucent CD cover with two different electrodes; the electrode and the counter electrode, aluminum container filled up with a cotton wool with the samples, and the electrolyte. The current-voltage characteristic curves were plotted, and the maximum power points Pmax was also noted. An open circuit voltage of 86mV, a short circuit current Isc of 960 a fill factor FF of 0.4151 And the maximum power point of were acquired correspondingly
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